Digital Marketing

Introduction to Digital Marketing.

The term Digital Marketing was first used in the 1990s. Digital Marketing is also known as Online Marketing. The term digital marketing refers to all the Marketing channels that use a Network or Internet for connecting to their audience. Digital Marketing includes channels such as search engines, social media, email, and other websites to connect with audiences. With the help of digital marketing, we reach a larger audience within a short period of time and target those who are more likely to buy our product or services. Digital marketing is far more cost-effective than traditional marketing channels. 

History of Digital Marketing In India.

The term digital marketing was first introduced in India 1990s but in India, it started in 1996 just a year after the internet services were launched in India by well-known company VSNL (Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd). But usage of internet services was very less till the early 2000s. The growth of internet service usage started after 2008. Post 2008 many digital marketing agencies started operating in India and many business owners understood the importance of higher visibility of their websites on search engines. After 2010 there was rapid growth in the digital marketing industry in India. Both small and large companies increased organic and paid campaigns to generate leads. 

Changes in Digital Marketing Post Pandemic.

Many agencies depended on traditional types of advertising and marketing for years to broadcast their messages to a huge target market. But due to pandemic peoples stopped stepping out of their houses.Thus, most traditional advertising and marketing channels have a far smaller target market than they did pre-pandemic. Even the most appealing billboards won’t be as powerful while humans aren’t leaving their houses very often.

Because people stopped leaving their houses and started spending more time online than ever before on websites, video chatting, streaming, video gaming, and connecting on social media in record-breaking numbers.

Thus, Investing in digital marketing channels such as google ads, social media ads, blogging, and many more is more beneficial when your target audience is spending more time online everyday. 

More than half of the population in the world now use social media, And that quantity continues to be growing. People are also using multiple social media platforms than ever before, the latest data shows that the everyday consumer spent time on nearly 9 unique systems.

Skills one learns in Our Digital Marketing Program

As day by day more people are becoming techno savvy people are going online for finding new information, purchasing new products and research purposes. So companies also require employers who know how to promote, operate and communicate through online channels. Digital Marketing is the program in which one can learn multiple skills such as Graphic designing, Social media, Website designing, content writing, SEO, Data Analysis, and many more.    

  1. Graphic Designer.
  2. SEO Expert.
  3. Website Designer.  
  4. Social Media Expert/Handler.
  5. Content Writer.
  6. Affiliate Marketer.
  7. SEM Expert.
  8. Google Ads Expert.


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